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Gardening in November The Garden Year
An evergreen shrub which flowers from late Winter to early Spring.  It has pea-like scented flowers which are pale lemon in colour.  A great plant for some Winter colour but it does need a sheltered, sunny site which is West or South facing. The leaves are attractively dissected and bluey green in colour.  The plant […] (Read More)
Gardening in November The Garden Year
Chrysanthemums are perennials and come in a huge range of colours and sizes.  A welcome shot of colour when many plants are already dying down for the winter.  Smaller ones are great for pots.  They are great cut flowers and have a long vase life. Some are hardy and will survive the winter in the […] (Read More)
Gardening in November The Garden Year
Mahonias are upright evergreen shrubs.  They grow to about 3m high and wide so are great for the back of a border.  Their bright yellow, fragrant flowers appear in late Autumn/early Winter giving a welcome shot of colour.  They also provide much needed pollen and nectar for bees during the Winter and seeds for birds […] (Read More)
Gardening in November The Garden Year
November – remember, remember….. The clocks have changed so it is dark by about 6.00pm especially if it is a gloomy day. Despite this it can still be relatively mild so  weeds  continue to grow. The  grass may still be growing  so as long as the soil is not waterlogged or frozen you can continue […] (Read More)