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Gardening in October The Garden Year
Nerines give a fabulous splash of colour as we head into Autumn.  Their lily-like flowers are in various shades of bright pink to crimson.  The leaves appear after the flowers. Their preferred spot is at the base of a West or South facing wall in full sun. They grow from bulbs which should be planted […] (Read More)
Gardening in October The Garden Year
Asters (Michaelmas daisies) are a genus of perennials which flower through September and October.  The provide lovely Autumn colour when many other plants are giving up for the year.  They have daisy-like flowers in blues, pinks and white in a variety of sizes. They are easy to grow but older varieties can be prone to […] (Read More)
Gardening in October The Garden Year
Previously Schizostylis coccinea and also known as River Lily this semi-evergreen perennial flowers from late summer to late autumn.  It grows to about 60cm tall and likes a sheltered. sunny spot with moist but well-drained soil. To prolong flowering dead-head regularly.  As well as the more usually seen red flowers they are also available in […] (Read More)
Gardening in October The Garden Year
October – season of mellow fruitfulness October is often a mild month but it can change quickly with the occasional frost by the end. It is a good idea to get tender plants ready to be brought under cover at short notice.  Pelargoniums  can get mouldy very quickly so when you repot them to bring […] (Read More)