The client’s front garden was mainly lawn with a hedge on two sides and a small flower bed adjoining the house. The client wanted to add some colour to make it look “more cheerful” especially when getting home from working shifts. The lawn was also not growing very well; the soil is very dry with a large cherry tree in the corner taking much of water and on a slope.
The garden before work began and then once the contractors had removed the lawn and put in the terrace and wall.
For the design we removed all of the grass and put a small, level paved area in the centre with a low retaining wall curving around it. This then had flower beds wrapped around it. In the afternoon the front garden is a real sun trap so you can sit on the wall in the sun surrounded by plants. Below is how it looked immediately after planting.
One year on the plants are settling in and giving a fabulous display from Spring through to Autumn.