Garden Maintenance

Late Autumn colour; deep pink sedums and white pom pom dahlia flowersWhichever plan you choose we take the time to get to know your garden, how you like it and to take care of it properly, from dividing perennials, weeding, pruning correctly to maximise flower and fruit production or planting up your pots and baskets.  My aim is for you to walk into your garden and say, “Wow, that looks better!  I’ve got my garden back”.

Whether you just need a one-off tidy to help get your garden back under control or you would like regular visits throughout the year to keep your garden at its best we have a plan to suit you.

We have 3 plans for you to choose from

Plan 1 – Growing Season

Typically from early March to the end of December.  This plan is ideal for small to medium gardens.

Prices start at £240+VAT per calendar month for 4 man hours fortnightly.  Additional ad-hoc hours are charged at £28+VAT per hour.

Plan 2 – All year-round – our most popular plan

We visit all year round except for the week between Christmas and New Year.  This plan is ideal for medium to large gardens, or those with lots of borders.

It is a 12 month commitment with prices starting at £230+VAT per calendar month for 4 man hours fortnightly.  Additional ad-hoc hours are charged at £28+VAT per man hour.

Plan 3 – One-off visits

Ideal if you just need a blitz at the beginning or end of the year, or a bit of extra help when the growing season is at its peak.

Charged at £32+VAT per man hour with a minimum of 4 man hours.

Please call us on 01732 423026 to arrange a free visit so we can help you get the best plan for you and your garden.

Like to know more about how we work? Contact us with your details and we’ll send you our information pack.

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