December Plant Of The Month – Jasminum nudiflorum

Winter jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) flowers on and off throughout the winter.  A welcome splash of cover it also a source of nectar for bees flying on warmer days.

Although a deciduous shrub winter jasmine appears evergreen because its stems are bright green.  The flowers appear in winter to cover the bare stems too.  The nudiflorum bit of its name means naked flowers as there are no leaves when it flowers.

Although it tends to be grown up a fence or wall the shoots are not self-clinging so it will need tying-in.  Prune once the flowers have finished in February or March to stop the plant becoming straggly.

They are easy to grow and drought tolerant.  They will grow in most soils and like a sunny or partially sunny spot.  Where a stem touches the ground it roots so they are an easy plant to propagate.  Cut out the bit of stem that has rooted and move it somewhere else.

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