February Plant Of The Month – Snowdrops

Big clump of snowdrops

Snowdrops (Galanthus nivalis) are some of the first of the Spring bulbs to flower even when covered in snow giving a welcome boost on grey and cold February days.  On warmer days they provide bees with much needed nectar and pollen.

They are best planted “in the green”.  This is straight after flowering and before the leaves die-back.  Nurseries supplying them like this can be found on-line.  Although they can also be planted from the dried bulbs they can take a season or two to establish and flower.  If you have large clumps these can be divided after flowering.

They prefer moist, but well-drained soils in a dappled or shady position so under deciduous shrubs and trees is perfect or in amongst herbaceous perennials where the bulbs are protected from the sun during the summer by other plants and then provide ground cover whilst the other plants are dormant.

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