May Plant Of The Month – Wisteria

Wisteria is a large, deciduous climber that produces stunning, fragrant flowers of mauve or white throughout May and into June.

It prefers a sunny location with well-draining soil.  Whilst it will tolerate partial shade the plant will produce fewer flowers.  The branches become quite heavy over time so needs a surdy support system on which to climb.

Wisteria is a hardy plant but does best in a sheltered spot.  It prefers a slightly acidic soil which is well drained.  Whilst water-logging can lead to root rot it may need watering in dry periods especially if you have sandy soil.  When newly planted it can take up to 3 or 4 years before flowers are produced.

To ensure plenty of flowers, and keep it under control, pruning is key.  In late summer shorten the long, whippy growths.  Then in late winter/early spring prune it back to a framework, shortening the side-shoots to a couple of buds.  Left to their own devices wisteria can grow to 10m.

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